VIRPIL Constellation Alpha Prime Review

Embark on a thrilling journey into the cosmos with the VIRPIL Constellation Alpha Prime—the zenith of joystick grips designed specifically for space simulation. As the flagship model from VIRPIL, this premium creation is meticulously crafted from high-quality metal, ensuring an unparalleled gaming experience.

This much-anticipated review, though delayed by the demands of work and life, is finally here to offer an insightful exploration of the Constellation Alpha Prime. Despite the wait, rest assured that the information provided remains relevant and up to date, setting the stage for a comprehensive overview as of the close of 2023.

You can purchase the product/s here on the official webstore or you can find out more information from their online documentation here.

NOTE: Please note that this review is exclusively focused on the VIRPIL Constellation Alpha Prime Joystick Grip. For an in-depth analysis of the Joystick Base, which earned the title of the best-in-class base for 2022, you can find a dedicated review here.

Full Disclosure

The VIRPIL Alpha Prime were sent to me for free by VIRPIL, however, this review is my own and is not influenced by VIRPIL to review in a favorable way.


$260.96 USD + Shipping
€224.96 EUR + Shipping

What’s in the box:

★ Joystick Grip
★ Allen Key / Hex Tool (to adjust / lock out the twist mechanism)


Throughout this review, I will assign individual ratings, denoted by up to 5 ★, to various elements of the VIRPIL Constellation Alpha Prime Joystick Grip. These evaluations will be consolidated at the end to offer a comprehensive assessment for those seeking a concise overview.

Delivery & Unboxing

The package, dispatched by VIRPIL on 02/09/2022 from Lithuania, reached Australia on 08/09/2022, and the box arrived in excellent condition. Unfortunately, the unboxing pictures didn’t turn out well, but fortunately, there wasn’t much to showcase—just the Joystick Grip and Tool were included in the box.

VIRPIL employs a secure packaging approach, utilizing a double box with a foam cutout. Additionally, the grip and tools are individually wrapped in plastic to safeguard against potential movement during transport, accompanied by an anti-moisture packet.

Considering the prompt delivery and the pristine condition of the box, a very good rating is warranted.

Considering the prompt delivery and the pristine condition of the box, a very good rating is warranted.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

The Dimensions

~130mm x ~217mm (Width x Height)

There are no ratings for dimensions.

The Look

Now featuring a premium, lightweight metal grip body with a textured surface for increased comfort and grip in high intensity flights!


The RGB lighting has been upgraded on the ALPHA Prime, with more configurable zones


Abundant in buttons, the joystick grip offers a versatile array, summarized below:

★ 1 x Dual-Stage Trigger
★ 1 x Dual-Position Flip Trigger (tactile switch trigger + button input for “UP” position)
★ Combination Trigger Stages – allowing simultaneous use of flip trigger and dual-stage trigger
★ 1 x Analog Stick (+ Push)
★ 3 x 4-way Hats (+ Push)
★ 1 x 2-way Hat (+ Push)
★ 3 x Momentary buttons
★ 1 x Brake lever (VPC Contactless Sensor) + Momentary button
★ 1 x Scroll Encoder (+ Dual Push)

The Joystick Grip boasts a sleek metal construction with a black matte finish, complemented by textured accents around the head. On the palm side, a rubberized pad with integrated RGB lighting enhances both functionality and aesthetics.

The hats, each featuring a high-quality plastic stem with a smooth rubber texture, contribute to a premium feel. The scroll wheel is thoughtfully designed with a soft rubber surface, while the push buttons maintain a consistent hard plastic construction.

Notably, the Dual-Stage Trigger, Flip Trigger, and Brake Lever feature a painted metal finish, although they are not scratch-resistant. The plastic top of the head, adorned with space-themed styling and RGB lighting, adds a distinctive touch.

While the seams from the bolted-together halves are virtually imperceptible, the head does exhibit a noticeable seam. Notably, the grip does not emulate any specific spaceship or aircraft design, yet it incorporates some elements reminiscent of the F-16/A-10 style, with a unique twist in the form of a single push button instead of a DMS (Display Management Switch) 4-way hat switch.

Considering the combination of materials used, the abundance of switches, the meticulous design and engineering assembly process, the high-quality finish, the inclusion of RGB lights, and the overall aesthetics, this joystick grip deserves a very good rating.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

The Feel

Undoubtedly, this grip exudes a sense of solidity, and its cold metal surface imparts a premium feel, setting it apart as one of the most high-end grips currently available in the market.

Not a whisper of creaking disrupts the tactile experience, and the seamless integration of the grip’s halves and head ensures a smooth, uninterrupted surface.

Distinguished by its unique design and shape, this grip is not an imitation of any other, resulting in a truly spectacular feel.

The grip’s generous size is immediately apparent, and individuals with smaller hands may find this noticeable. Fortunately, an adjustable palm rest provides the flexibility to elevate or lower the neutral hand position on the grip. Nevertheless, those with shorter thumbs and fingers may encounter challenges with certain aspects of the grip head.

Adjusting the palm height to reach the top Hat, Button, and Ministick might make the scroll wheel uncomfortable to access unless you momentarily relax your hand from the grip. Conversely, lowering the palm rest for easier access to the thumbwheel may slightly extend the reach for the top Hat, Button, and Ministick. Individual experiences may vary.

The stick’s height aligns with the typical stature of center stick placements, but what truly distinguishes it is the substantial girth. The grip’s thickness and bulky nature set it apart from all others. Individuals with smaller hands may find it challenging to reach certain hats and switches, a point further explored in the My Configurations section.

Assigning a rating to the tactile experience proves challenging due to its inherently subjective nature. However, my assessment, rooted in personal experience, leads me to assign a favorable rating, characterising the feel as good.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

My Configurations


Calibration was a crucial step to ensure accurate input registration, and I also created a profile within the software to associate the Joystick Grip with the Joystick Base.


Although I updated the firmware, calibrated and created a profile within the software, that was the extent of my modifications. I opted to stick with the default RGB settings and refrained from configuring additional shift functions. The joystick grip, in my experience, has a surplus of buttons, rendering additional configurations unnecessary.


While the software for configuring the grip may seem daunting and complex, it proved manageable, particularly with the robust support available in the community.

Location / Placement

I primarily utilised the grip in a center grip configuration, finding it more intuitive for my use. When used as a side stick, it felt overly large and cumbersome.

Games Tested

In various space combat games such as Elite Dangerous, Hunternet Starfighter, Infinity Battlescape, Overload, Star Wars Squadrons, and Battlezone, the grip performed effectively without any issues in binding switches.

Similarly, in flight simulators like IL-2 Sturmovik, DCS World, and Project Wingman, the grip seamlessly integrated with no binding issues. However, I did encounter challenges with Ace Combat 7 due to Steam limitations, as the game restricted the use of a single device rather than separate Joystick + Throttle setups. This complication was unrelated to the functionality of this joystick grip.

I do encounter an issue, and this is somewhat subjective, stemming from a combination of configuration and user experience—the nature of the ungated hat switches. VIRPIL employs ungated 8-way + push switches, and while this might not pose a problem for many users, it presented a challenge for me. I found myself frequently inputting the wrong commands until I adjusted the configuration in the software (VPC Configuration Tool) from 8-way to 4-way. However, even with this adjustment, the absence of the physical gated feel was noticeable. When navigating in the simulator and pressing the hat in a specific direction, the distinctive directional feedback characteristic of gated switches was absent.

In assessing the rating, I found it straightforward and compelling to assign a favorable score. The process of attaching, configuring, and utilising the grip in the games I played proved seamless and trouble-free. The only exception arose when employing the grip as a side stick, where the bulky nature and the previously mentioned ungated hat switches posed challenges.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

My Opinions

The Positives

The VIRPIL Constellation Alpha Prime Joystick Grip stands out as the pinnacle of space-themed gaming innovation. It represents a meticulously crafted flagship model that exudes premium quality, thanks to its high-grade metal construction. The joystick grip goes beyond being a gaming accessory; it showcases VIRPIL’s unparalleled commitment to excellence. The package, swiftly dispatched from Lithuania to Australia, arrives intact, underscoring the product’s robust security during transit. Aesthetically pleasing, the grip features a sleek metal body adorned with textured accents and enhanced RGB lighting, creating a visually striking and immersive gaming atmosphere.

The tactile encounter with the joystick grip is exceptional, providing users with a solid and premium feel. Its distinctive design further sets it apart, contributing to an elevated gaming experience. Boasting abundant buttons and versatile configurations, this joystick grip proves to be a stellar choice for diverse gaming scenarios. As a result, it earns a resounding and well-deserved very good rating. The combination of these features positions the VIRPIL Constellation Alpha Prime Joystick Grip as a top-tier option for enthusiasts seeking both performance and aesthetic appeal.

The Negatives

While the overall experience with the VIRPIL Constellation Alpha Prime Joystick Grip is positive, there are some challenges. The ungated hat switches, though a subjective issue, posed a configuration and user experience challenge, requiring adjustments in the VPC Configuration Tool. The absence of a physical gated feel, even with configuration changes, affected directional feedback.

The grip’s bulky nature, particularly when used as a side stick, and the challenges with ungated hat switches were noted as drawbacks. However, these concerns are balanced by the overall positive experience in attaching, configuring, and using the grip in various games.

The negatives highlight subjective issues with configuration and user preferences rather than significant design flaws.

The Recommendations

Addressing the challenges identified in the VIRPIL Constellation Alpha Prime Joystick Grip, recommendations can enhance user satisfaction. To mitigate issues with ungated hat switches, consider refining the default configuration or providing options to choose between an ungated and a gated switch module.

The introduction of options or alternative settings simulating the feel of gated switches could alleviate concerns related to the absence of a physical gated feel, allowing users greater customisation.

For those bothered by the grip’s bulkiness, explore options for detachable modules or adjustable components to cater to diverse user preferences. By incorporating these recommendations, the overall positive experience can be further enhanced, offering users more flexibility and personalisation in their gaming setups. It’s crucial to note that these suggestions aim to address subjective concerns related to configuration and user preferences rather than significant design flaws in the product.

Overall Rating: 4.25 out of 5

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Thank you


Authored by ddrake1984 on 20/12/2023