Join WINWING’s Closed-Beta Testing: Try Out Their New Entry-Level Space-Themed Joystick!

Exciting news! WINWING is gearing up for the closed beta testing phase of their upcoming entry-level space joystick product, designed for enthusiasts of games like Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous.

As someone with prior experience in inviting and managing beta testing groups, I’ve facilitated testing phases for notable products such as the VKB Kosmosima Grip and the Sublight Dynamics 6DOF Grip.

I firmly believe in the value of community feedback in refining products before their official release—refining hardware manufacturing processes presents unique challenges. Nonetheless, I encourage other companies to adopt a similar approach, as it fosters collaboration and ensures that products meet the needs and expectations of their intended users.

I’ve been given the opportunity to help recruit testers for this beta phase, and I’m reaching out to the community to find the perfect candidates.

Here’s what we’re looking for:

  1. Active Communicators: We need testers who are vocal and engaged. This isn’t just about gameplay; it’s about providing valuable feedback, so communication skills are key.
  2. Product Knowledge: We’re seeking individuals who have a good understanding of gaming peripherals, particularly joysticks. It’s important that testers can provide feedback based on a solid understanding of modern joystick technology.
  3. Experience in Star Citizen and/or Elite Dangerous: Testers should be avid players of either or both of these games. Experience in binding multiple buttons and rigorous joystick usage is a plus.

If you’re interested in participating, please send me a DM on Discord with the following information:

  • Your gaming experience, particularly with Star Citizen or Elite Dangerous
  • Your familiarity with gaming peripherals, especially joysticks
  • Any previous experience with beta testing or providing feedback.

We’re looking to select up to 10 testers for this phase. Once selected, testers will need to provide their shipping addresses so that WINWING can send out the products promptly.

Let’s work together to make this beta testing phase a success! Your feedback will play a crucial role in shaping the final product.

Thanks for your interest and support.

by ddrake1984 on 28 MARCH 2024